Learn the Critical Skills to Improve ALL Your Relationships, and Create a Happier, Healthier, More Fulfilling Life in Just an Hour a Month

Here’s How to Get a FREE Interview With Psychotherapist Ken Page on the Power of Vulnerability

Relationships are the most important part of our lives. They can bring us happiness, help us be more successful, be healthier, and live longer.

Happy Couple

This isn’t just anecdotal. Science is now showing that people who have quality, close relationships have a higher quality of life.

Unfortunately, most of us take our relationships for granted.

Maybe we prioritize other, less important things, and hope that our relationships will just take care of themselves. Maybe we don’t realize how important relationships are, or if we do, we don’t know what to do to make them as good as possible. Many of us lack critical relationship skills.

We don’t know how to handle conflict well, or specific steps to take to make our love relationships more intimate and fulfilling. We struggle with setting boundaries, and feel offended and hurt. We hold grudges. We protect ourselves by withdrawing or withholding love.

This can all make us feel isolated, lonely, neglected, and heartbroken.

A Happier, Healthier, More Fulfilling Life—in Just 1 Hour a Month

But if we truly understood the importance of relationships, and invested in learning the critical skills that can make our relationships flourish, our entire lives would change for the better.

Friends Enjoying Time Together

Instead of putting our relationships on “autopilot” and hoping our friends, family, and partners will be there for us when we need them, we could be investing in taking the actions that will attract healthier relationships, or make our existing relationships deeper, stronger, and more fulfilling.

This single investment of time—learning critical relationship skills—is the one-time investment that can make the most impact on every aspect of our lives.

The problem is, how do we know what actions and skills will make the MOST impact on our relationships, so we don’t waste a lot of time on trial and error?

We aren’t taught these skills as children in school. We don’t know if we can trust internet bloggers or social media. Our friends have their opinions, which aren’t always helpful for our specific situation.

These are the reasons why we at Flourish have developed the Transformational Interview Series.

Curated Experts and Trustworthy Advice You Can Take Anywhere

Our team at Flourish has been single-mindedly focused on one thing for over a decade—curating some of the world’s best experts when it comes it comes to relationships and self-help and making their valuable advice accessible to you.

The experts we’ve selected are psychotherapists, highly- experienced coaches, best-selling authors, and world-renowned speakers who have made it their life’s work to help people create better, more fulfilling relationships and lives.

In our Transformational Interview Series, we bring these renowned, seasoned experts to you, through hour-long, intimate interviews on topics that matter MOST. These are digital audio recordings you can download and take anywhere—on your morning commute, to the gym, while walking your dog—so you can be learning valuable skills and insights “on the go” at a time that’s most convenient to you.

Listen to the First Interview FREE When You Try Our Transformational Interview Series Subscription

New, Curated Expert Advice On Topics That Matter Most – Every Month
First month is FREE, then $19.97 per month. Cancel at any time.
Start Listening Now - FREE

These aren’t ad-filled podcasts with idle banter; these are professionally recorded interviews about topics we know will impact your life.

We go in-depth on topics with which our experts have decades of experience. We know what questions to ask to get to the juiciest and most valuable “aha”.

How do we know which questions to ask and what matters most? Because we at Flourish have answered tens of thousands of emails from our customers over the last decade, so we understand what the most common stumbling blocks are to a happier life and better relationships.

There is probably no single investment of time that would be more valuable to your happiness and wellbeing than the hour or so you’ll spend each month with each of our experts.

Your First Interview Is Completely FREE…With No Strings Attached

When you subscribe to the Transformational Interview Series, you’ll get the first full-length interview FREE with no obligation or strings attached.

This is our interview with psychotherapist and author, Ken Page, on the importance of vulnerability in all your relationships. What exactly does it mean to be vulnerable, and how can you use vulnerability to improve your relationship with all the important people in your life—including your friends, family, and even co-workers? How can opening up and being more honest deepen intimacy with your beloved?

What if you’re afraid of getting hurt?

Listen to this interview immediately when you subscribe and enjoy all the insights and tips—and pay nothing. It’s yours to keep and listen to as often as you like. No strings attached! It is our gift to you just for trying the Transformational Interview Series.

Listen to the First Interview FREE When You Try Our Transformational Interview Series Subscription

New, Curated Expert Advice On Topics That Matter Most – Every Month
First month is FREE, then $19.97 per month. Cancel at any time.
Start Listening Now - FREE

New Interviews and New Insights Every Month

Then, if you decide to stay subscribed to this monthly series, you’ll get a new interview each month with one of our renowned experts, where you’ll learn:

  • How to handle conflict in a way that doesn’t damage your relationship and actually helps you understand each other better, and be closer and more loving.
  • Why boundaries are the key to healthier, happier relationships and how to set boundaries in a way that is least stressful to you and your friend or significant other.
  • The most common misconceptions about forgiveness and how they can be damaging to your mental wellbeing and ability to live your best life.
  • The skills and practices that can help you stay resilient and thrive in the face of adversity, setbacks, and bad news.
  • The hidden reason you’re staying single longer than you want to be or keep repeating the same destructive relationship patterns that cause you heartbreak.
  • And much more!

You’ll Get an “AHA” Every Time, and It’s 100% RISK-FREE

When you subscribe to our Transformational Interview Series, you’ll be able to listen FREE to an interview we did with psychotherapist Ken Page on the topic of vulnerability.

Joyful Couple

There’s zero obligation. Download it to your device and enjoy it as often as you like. You can keep the interview.

You’ll get access to a special page where we’ll release a new expert interview every month. From your subscription page, you can easily listen to the interviews (really, with just 1 click) or you can download them to listen using any of your mobile devices. You’ll learn valuable tips and skills each time that will improve your relationships or life. Every interview has an “AHA!” moment, no matter if you’re single, married, or dating. That’s because our experts teach the skills that will make ALL your relationships better.

There’s NO RISK and you can cancel any time. You keep the first interview with Ken Page and all the interviews you’ve paid for. We won’t make it complicated and we won’t ask you why you want to cancel.

We at Flourish believe in the power of great relationships to make our lives better and more fulfilling. When you invest your time in learning the critical skills that improve your relationships – with your partner, spouse, your children, friends, family and others in your community—you create a life that’s filled with love and purpose.

Not 100% thrilled? Let us know and we’ll cancel your subscription. Keep the first free interview regardless - it’s our gift for trying the series.

My Risk-Free Promise

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Transformational Interview Series

Your First Month Is FREE

**Cancel at any time.